Below are some of the Products SOF-ONE Leadership offers. We have a deep inventory of training material that can be customized to the context of your organization’s requirements for elevating performance, developing leadership, and building its culture.

Key Note Addresses

  • Sales Kick Offs:

    A one to two hour speech that will energize your sales and get them to challenge themselves into setting bigger goals and higher standards for performance. We provide real world examples from SEAL training, professional sports and the business world of success and failure and how to create the Focus and commitment to achieve Break - Through Performance.

  • product or business launch:

    SOF-ONE speakers share stories of achieving mission success from the US Navy SEALs, Surface Warfare Navy, professional sports and business. In our message we highlight the Culture of Relevance and what that means to creating the commitment, innovation and focus necessary for attaining goals and building the environment that builds towards a greater future.

  • new organization launch:

    We bring decades of experience in dealing with change and an understanding of everyone’s role in making it a success. Adapting to organizational change requires leadership, adoption of core values and embracing a vision. At the foundation of succesful change is Trust, in leadership, each other and oneself. We will create our messaging using examples from the SOF-ONE Leadership team’s careers and adapt it to the context of your organization’s goals.


  • Breakthrough Performance: organization

    These workshops are incredible tools to create and launch a new business strategy while imbedding the tools that will help your team deliver exponential impact. We take a structured approach that enables the team to think big, understand what it will take to be successful and be aware of the consequences of falling short. The outcome is a team that will have bought in to the vision with each team member having a clear understanding of his or her relevance to mission success and complete trust in each other to achieve it.


    These workshops address what each individual team member needs to do to achieve that next level of performance and ultimately achieve a breakthrough level of performance that they were not aware was possible. These workshops are done in a group setting and leverage the Clifton Strengths Finder assesment and then follow with exercises that help each individual understand what has been holding them back and what has enabled success. Each individual will complete the workshop having a clarity of their Purpose, an inventory of the strengths that make them impactful and a plan that will keep them moving forward to being a successful contributor to the company and their community.

Panel Discussion

SOF-ONE Leadership will participate in a live (in person or virtual) panel discussion focused on topics that relate to performance, leadership and growth. Our panel’s provide a diversity of thought and experience with panel members from the Military, Professional Sports, Business and Academia. This panel can be facilitated by one of our members or a member from your organization.